Friday, August 7, 2009

Bienvenido . 歓迎 . Välkommen . مرحبا . Bienvenue

in this blog i plan to discuss the struggles and successes that cross my path on the journey to artistic self realization. i will write frequently as long as i am inspired.

a thing or so about me:

my day to day name is nicole cooper. in the recent month my brain has brought to my attention that my birth name is too common. i have decided to attach my professional identity and talents to the name 'kajsa blix' pronounced kai-suh blicks.
i chose this name because it is easily internet searachable and comes from the swedish quarter of my DNA that i identify with. kajsa is short for the name katherine who was known for being tortured but also known as a symbol of purity -and blix which means joy or cheer.

i currently reside in the city of los angeles where i find it quite impossible to find a true friend and a loving lifestyle. at the same time i take it as a challenge to change people's thought patterns as well as my own. i look to find the best in what i consider a lousy situation. i love being alive.

people know me as a photographer. i enjoy glorifying a city that forces upon me heart ache, longing and emptiness. i love to capture the most marvelous masterpiece and depict it as something worthless and unsightly as well as the opposite. hence, my work.

i am taking this opportunity to open my life up to the world and see what it has to throw my way in return.

thank you for reading.

be back soon.

- Kajsa