Life is literally what you make of it. People need to make the choice to be happy. With or without the cards they were given. It's an outlook, not something you can touch with your fingers. It's finding one small thing after another that makes you appreciate waking up every morning. It's not taking the fact that the sun will rise the next day for granted or overlooking the beauty around you. It's figuring out how to be passionate about living!
'Tis the day... Rejoice and be glad.
(The image above is of a lady in Jalisco, Mexico doing laundary.
She and her two beautiful daughters didn't have running water,
floors, windows or a front door. Her transportation = donkey.
She was the happiest and kindest lady. You could tell she
appreciated her life and the people in it. )
"This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." So says David in Psalm 118:24. A choice quote to accompany the picture included in this blog. Read up on my current blog for my outlook. Love you Nicole!