Friday was a bit interesting. It was my first night without a place to stay. I thought I had my sleeping situation figured out for the night. Then showed up to find that I was completely wrong. My assuming did exactly what they say. That is, it made an ass out of that person and me. After realizing I was wrong I took a minute to gather my thoughts about what to do next. I called a friend a little hysterical and asked to sleep at their pad. I showed up in tears thinking about what not having a place of my own was going to be like. It felt so foreign. When I arrived I was then greeted by hugs, warm wishes and a beautiful woman/friend watching TV who happened to have a cozy chest for me to sob into. (I wonder if she realizes that's what was going through my mind. I don't think she would mind anyway.) I was so exhausted I instantly fell asleep in her lap while she watched a marathon of TV. In the morning I was greeted by a hangover and the cutest, most ugliest mutt dog you've ever seen jumping all over the couch. I figured this was an amazing start to the beginning of my homeless adventure.

As of yesterday. I finally got a response from the cousins in Sweden! I wrote them the same day I decided I was going to have an art show but hadn't received a response. I guess my mom finally called and made contact with them. It sounds like I'll have a guest house to myself. Apparently I have two younger cousins there. One is 24 and one is 18! My reluctance has subsided quite a bit and the excitement has returned.

The details about exactly how I'm going to get to Sweden are still being worked out. I think I may bail on Sunday or Monday to go visit my other Swedish cousins in the Sacramento area. Perhaps I'll even make it up to see my brother in Bend, OR. I haven't seen him in almost 14 years, nor met my two gorgeous nieces. None of these people know I'm even contemplating this yet. I think it will be a nice surprise if it happens!
Beside that, my phone has been blowing up for days! Everyone wants to hang out! I feel very loved and appreciated. I am really going to miss the amazing people in my life today. I guess sometimes you have to make sacrifices to conquer much more. I wish I could have my cake, on this one, AND eat it too. I don't care about my belongings. I'm going to miss these amazing people.
Now to go enjoy some wine, hang with the doggie, watch some terrible TV and pass out at a semi reasonable hour. Yay me!
"Symmetry" - Venice Beach, CA
I used to often feel like this sail boat. Quiet and alone in the distance.
It never mattered to me if no one else noticed I was really on a mission.
All that matters is that I was true to myself and my purpose.
Sail on my friends!
All that matters is that I was true to myself and my purpose.
Sail on my friends!
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